Below, please find an overview of scholarship opportunities available with the Planning in the Black Community Division. 

PBCD Student Travel Scholarship

About the Scholarship

The Planning and the Black Community Division (PBCD) values professional development among all of its members, especially students. The National Planning Conference is an impactful opportunity that fosters motivation, inspiration and new ideas among its participants, thus bringing positive benefits to students with aspirations in leading change through the field of urban planning. This award will provide funding support for travel and/or hotel accommodations at the 2019 National Planning Conference in San Francisco, CA. In hopes of enhancing the experience of PBCD student members a $500 scholarship will be provided to assist travel needs of a deserving applicant. This scholarship will also boost the involvement among students of African American descent at the Conference.

The application can be accessed here: PBCD Student Travel Scholarship



A scholarship recipient is a student member of the Planning and the Black Community Division that exemplifies community involvement, drive for professional growth and a thorough Travel Budget that can be easily accommodated through the scholarship.


Travel Scholarship Structure

Interested students must submit an application package that will then be reviewed by the PBCD Scholarship Committee. The Committee will evaluate applications based on student membership (can be found by logging into the APA portal and downloading the member’s enrollment status summary), student’s travel budget and the extent to which attendance to the NPC will support their professional goals as expressed in the essay submission


Based on the quality of applications received, emphasis on essay and Travel Budget, the Committee will provide one scholarship of $500. Travel budget serves as opportunity for Review Committee to be made aware of whether the applicant intends to use the scholarship for full or partial coverage. PBCD staff will apply the funds to flight/hotel needs that are specified in the student’s Travel Budget. Based on the limited funds available, the PBCD Scholarship Review committee has the authority to redistribute use Travel Funds upon the selected applicant’s approval.


Scholarship Requirements

Applicants will be selected based on student member status, community service involvement and quality of essay submission. The application must exhibit creativity, critical thinking, conciseness and passion for serving the Black community as a future urban planner. Attach proof of PBCD membership to the application.

 Application Process

  1. The Applicant will submit ONE application package that includes the following materials:
    1. Scholarship Application
    2. Essay
    3. Proposed Travel Budget
    4. Proof of PBCD Student Membership
  2.   Scholarship Committee representing the PBCD will review applications and determine an award winner. Applications will be judged using the following criteria listed in order of importance: 1) ability to voice intentional agenda for attending the NPC 2) ability to voice how the Conference will support your professional development/career goals. Final candidate will be contacted for final round interviews. All applicants will be notified of the final decision.
  3.          The PBCD Chair will announce the scholarship award recipient in late March 2019 through email and the PBCD monthly newsletter


Deadline: All materials must be received to the PBCD Scholarship Committee at by March 21, 2019 with the subject line entitled “PBCD Student Travel Scholarship”.